

 We make high quality clothes with no compromises, we research, we test, we learn, we adjust, we perfect and only after perfection we approve. There is a lot of different brands out there, when the quantity is high, the quality is low, but not here. We focus on making something we are proud to call ours and then we do our best to produce. 


Open Communication -

we listen, we care, and we respect the community that make this possible. Tell us what you think at 


Keep it real -

no bullshit, ever. 



Why? Because we needed a foundation, I am going to very real with you. I don’t need wealth or fame. To be able to make real change in this world you need people, You need allies. This brand gives us the foundation to structure events, meeting and gatherings that will give us the chance to come together. 
¨Most people focus on competing instead of working together, if you compete you’re trying to take on the world by yourself. Work together you can change the world.¨